Build a Bike 2019

10 December 2019

Today, more than 40 local businesses came together to build bikes for some of the Gold Coast’s most vulnerable children.

In partnership with Act for Kids, Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (GCCEC) hosted the annual Build a Bike charity event, which saw 77 bicycles built for children who have suffered abuse and neglect.  The children will receive the bikes in time for Christmas.

View images from the day here.

Act for Kids Executive Director of Service Development, Stephen Beckett, said Build a Bike helps to build awareness amongst local businesses of the vital services Act for Kids provides to vulnerable children and families on the Gold Coast.

“Build a Bike brings together a community of generous Gold Coast businesses that help make Christmas a little more special for some kids who are suffering the trauma of abuse and neglect, kids that have never experienced the joy of Christmas,” Stephen said.

“For three years, this event has made a powerful difference to kids who are doing it tough.”

Act for Kids Program Manager on the Gold Coast, Miranda Bain, said the gift of a bike can be instrumental for a child’s development and their childhood.

“It’s much more than just a bike. Bikes help kids create memories, enjoy new experiences and explore their independence.”

“Connection between a child and their community is key for keeping kids safe and for creating happy and vibrant communities,” Miranda said.

General Manager, GCCEC, Adrienne Readings said that the support of local businesses had been overwhelming. “77 bikes and kits have been donated by 40 local businesses, including suppliers, partners and local organisations.”

“It’s incredibly rewarding to see the community come together in an activity that helps build confidence in children and support a brighter future. It’s a highlight of our year at the Centre,” she said.

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